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IOKSUROH M4 001 | chunky style

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Elements 元素 : 

 Copper |Silver  rutilated  quartz 
Promotes feelings of courage, vitality, confidence and
decisiveness | Blocks negative energies from lousy company | Attracts career and wealth luck | Aids one in being more courageous |
Known to offer protection and ward off disasters and ailments

促進勇氣、活力、自信能量 增值果斷力|阻擋負能量|招事業財運|

Smoky quartz
is known for dispersing fear or negativity and removing depression
It can be used to provide emotional balance, remove anxiety or stress, and at the same time promote positive thoughts
For those who suffer from nightmares, it can remove them and replace them with manifestations in your dreams
it is thought to be a protective stone, with a strong association with the earth and base chakras, making it ideal for environmental consciousness
Smoky quartz is also believed to counter fear, overcome depression and bring about emotional stability while facilitating positive, practical thinking with clear insights
Smoky Quartz is an amazing match for all those born under the zodiac signs of Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn
The birth sign of Scorpio comes when the days are starting to draw in closer and when the veil between worlds seems at its thinnest
Smoky quartz is a specific variety of the crystalline mineral quartz and is associated with grounding, igniting passion, and offering protection—
which are all helpful when you need a little luck

存在環保意識的理想能量 他也被認為對抗恐懼、克服憂鬱並帶來情緒穩定,
同時促進積極、務實的思維和清晰的洞察力 對應:天蠍座 |射手座 |摩羯座 是一種特殊的結晶礦物石英體,有接地氣、點燃激情
和提供氣場護 當你需要一點運氣時,茶晶也能發揮功效


People that are going through a period of deep personal transformation will often be drawn to this stone

The pietersite stone is also known to amplify imagination and dreams

Using it as a tool for enhancing your mind's eye can result in a deeper sense of self-awareness and clarity of mind


Most  crystal enthusiasts collect Pietersite for its spiritual and emotional benefits

But some believe that its healing properties can also manifest change in your physical body

It's thought to help improve your health in many ways

Many seek it out to benefit the nervous system, promoting better all-around health


Pietersite is very useful for activating your clairvoyant and prophetic vision ability

You will get vivid night visions and lucid dreams if you lay a piece of Pietersite beneath your pillow before going to sleep






Dark Green rutilated quartz

It gives us protection against the ill thoughts of others

It helps us develop our inner power

It leads us to wealth and success by discovering our talents and to use our skills the right way

Also can help bring peace and understanding in relationships and allows the wearer to approach stressful situations with patience and grace

Green quartz stimulates creativity and is believed to reduce anxiety, encourage financial success and support healthy recovery after illness or surgery









Golden Sheen Obsidian

It sharpens our instincts and reveals hidden talents

It is especially useful to work with when we are trying to figure out "our purpose" in life and how to go about living i

Golden Sheen Obsidian is an excellent grounding, protection and transmutation stone


